Package com.minigameworld.frames.helpers

package com.minigameworld.frames.helpers
  • Interface Summary
    Interface for rank data
  • Class Summary
    Below custom options are created in `custom-data` section by default
    Must serialize/deserialize value of each options in get(), set() method
    Event detector to send Minigames

    Detectable event means can get player from "Default event list" or "Detailed event list"

    [Default Event List]
    - PlayerEvent
    - EntityEvent
    - HangingEvent
    - InventoryEvent
    - InventoryMoveItemEvent
    - PlayerLeashEntityEvent
    - TabCompleteEvent

    [Detailed Event list]
    - Some of BlockEvent
    - Some of VehicleEvent
    Player data with score, live
    [IMPORTANT] live is only valid in the minigame play (not related with player's health)
    [IMPORTANT] Player state will be saved when a instance is created (in constructor)
    [Managed list]
    joined location, health scale, health, food level, exhaustion, saturation, level, exp, inventory, potion effects, glowing, hide, game mode, fire ticks, invulnerable, silent, gravity, allow flight, flying, velocity, walk speed, fly speed, scoreboard, held item slot, bed spawn location, ender chest, cooldown items, portal cooldown
    Manage player's everything
    - When join the game: save state and make pure state
    - When quit the game: restore saved state
    - If add a element, check that affects to viewer MiniGameViewManager
    [Setting default values]
    creationTime = on game creation time
    startTime = LocalDateTime.MIN
    finishTime = LocalDateTime.MIN
    id = hash value of current nano time
    started = false
    title = title
    location = location
    instances = 1
    instanceWorld = false
    locations = location
    minPlayers = minPlayers
    maxPlayers = maxPlayers
    waitingTime = waitingTime
    playTime = playTime
    finishDelay = 10
    active = true
    settingFixed = false
    tutorial = tutorial
    customData = new Map
    icon = Material.STONE
    gameFinishCondition = MiniGameSetting.GameFinishCondition.LESS_THAN_PLAYERS_LIVE
    gameFinishConditionPlayerCount = 2
    view = true
    scoreboard = true
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    Check game finish condition