Package com.minigameworld.frames

package com.minigameworld.frames
  • Class Summary
    - Fake minigame frame
    - Player can NOT join
    - Can be used for any purpose (e.g.
    MiniGame class of all minigames
    - Custom minigame frame can be made with extending this class
    - Message only send to same minigame players
    - Minigame frame several players can battle individually like FFA
    - min player count: 2 or more

    - nothing
    - Minigame frame only 1 player can play
    - solo play
    - min player count: 1
    - solo util methods

    - nothing
    - Minigame frame players battle with each teams
    - min team count: 2 or more
    - all teams have the same score
    - team util class, methods

    [Custom Option]
    - group-chat: If true, send message only to team members (default: true)
    - team-pvp: If true, team members can not attack each other(pvp option have to be set to true), (default: false)
    - team-size: Related with MiniGameSetting.getMaxPlayers(), if "max-players" is 12 and "team-size" is 4 then 3 teams will be created.
    - Minigame frame players cooperate with each other
    - min player count: 1 or more
    - all players have the same score
    - team util methods
    - must use "plusEveryoneScore()" or "minusEveryoneScore()" for team score
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    Team register mode
    - Participants divied into teams when game starts with mode
    - If use TeamRegisterMode.NONE, should register players to team with registerPlayersToTeam()

    [Team Register Mode]
    - NONE, FAIR, FILL, FAIR_FILL, RANDOM or can divide overriding "registerPlayersToTeam()"

    - e.g.